The Simplified Guide to Spring Cleaning

The countdown to Spring 2023 is here! Only 18 days left of our Southeastern NB Winter and things in the Real Estate world are already in mid-thaw & moving. Although I am a lover of all things Holiday, I am certainly ready to see more of the SUN ☀️ and warmer weather! With that, comes the typical Spring cleaning to-do list – YAY!

It’s the perfect time of year to refresh your home (and mind!) and get a fresh start. This is where spring cleaning comes in – a tradition that has been around for centuries, and for a good reason. Spring cleaning is an opportunity to declutter, reorganize and deep clean.

Benefits of Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning has numerous benefits, and it goes beyond just having a clean home. When you declutter, you declutter your mind, and this can have a positive impact on your mental health. You will also be able to find things more easily, which will save you time and reduce stress. Deep cleaning your home can also help improve indoor air quality, which is especially important for people with allergies. Additionally, spring cleaning can help you save money by identifying items that need repair or replacement, preventing you from spending unnecessarily.

The Tips

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Organize declutter simplify spring cleaning
  • Make a plan: Write down what you want to accomplish, including which rooms you want to clean and declutter. Having a plan will help you stay focused and ensure you don’t miss anything.
    *PRO TIP – Your lists don’t need lists… This is my personal downfall because I can make list after list like no other! Make a plan and see it through!
  • Declutter first: Before you start cleaning, declutter by getting rid of anything you no longer need or use. This will make cleaning easier and free up space in your home.
  • Clean from top to bottom: Start by dusting the highest surfaces and work your way down. This will prevent dirt and dust from falling on already cleaned areas.
  • Get the right tools: Having the right tools will make cleaning much easier and efficient. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloths, and cleaning solutions.
  • Don’t forget the small details: Remember to clean areas that are often overlooked, such as baseboards, light fixtures, and vents.

Spring cleaning may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a fun and productive experience. The benefits of decluttering, deep cleaning, and refreshing your home are worth the effort. By following the tips above, you will be well on your way to a clean and organized home & a more peaceful mind (the ultimate goal!). Happy cleaning!

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